Kawarasaki Gonjuro (河原崎権十郎)

Gonjuro KAWARASAKI is a Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors) actor's professional name. The stage family name is Yamazakiya. Current Gonjuro KAWARASAKI is the fourth. The Jomon (family crest) is Yatsu-bana bishi ni Futatsu-domoe (eight square-shaped flowers and two tomoe [semicircular swirling shape]) and the Kaemon (alternate personal crest) is Hishi Takara Musubi (literally, square knot).

Gonjuro KAWARASAKI (the first)

He later succeeded to Danjuro ICHIKAWA (the ninth).

Gonjuro KAWARASAKI (the second)

He was commonly called 'Uzaemon ICHIKAWA (the 15th) of Asakusa.'

Gonjuro KAWARASAKI (the third)

He was a son of the second.

Gonjuro KAWARASAKI (the fourth)

He is the third son of Uzaemon ICHIKAWA (the 17th). He calls himself Shonosuke BANDO.

[Original Japanese]